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v.6.9.3 (Sep 14, 2018)

1. Improved: Font Awesome updated to v.5.3.1.
2. Improved: syntax highlighting added for custom JS and CSS in Theme Options.
3. Improved: borders styling for social icons and all carousel shortcodes.
4. Fixed: issue with navigation arrows backgrounds in carousel shortcodes.
5. Fixed: issue with gradient missing on active menu item in custom menu widget.
6. Fixed: issue with Theme Options not saving when some third part plugins using lessphp library are active.
7. Fixed: issue with menu 1 and 2 widgets non selectable in customizer.
8. Fixed: privacy checkbox not unchecking automatically after submitting a contact form. 
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.6.9.2 (Aug 31, 2018)

1. Improved: compatibility with "Affiliate Toolkit Starter" plugin.
2. Fixed: missing "hide featured image" option in post editing interface. 
3. Fixed: mixed up previous/next post links.
4. Fixed: "Using unescaped '#' characters in a data URI body is deprecated" warning in Chrome.
5. Fixed: issue with floating header covering top part of rows, when using anchor links in IE.
6. Fixed: issue in WooCommerce Products Masonry & Grid shortcode with price and description not showing up in IE.

v.6.9.1 (Aug 30, 2018)

1. Fixed: issues with shortcodes styling in the bottom bar.
2. Fixed: issue with Theme Options crushing when presented with invalid value of gradient color stop.
3. Fixed: issue with "decoration" not showing if "navigation" is set to "overlay" and then switched to other layout.
4. Fixed: issue with "Category:" caption below a blog post not being translatable in mo/po files. Also "Categories:" caption will be displayed when multiple categories is selected. 
5. Improved: explanatory captions added to some shortcodes in Page Builder.

v.6.9.0 (Aug 18, 2018)

1. New: Media Gallery Carousel shortcode. 
2. New: brand new Photos Carousel shortcode.
3. Fixed: issue with Products shortcode displaying hidden products.
4. Fixed: issue with Photos Scroller shortcode autoslide default setting.
Other minor improvements and under-the-hood changes. 

v. (Aug 4, 2018)

Fixed issue with carousels autoscroll.

v. (Aug 3, 2018)

1. New: brand new Photos Masonry & Grid shortcode. 
2. Improved: fonts responsiveness settings were added to Testimonials shortcode.
3. Improved: The7 will show notification in case theme/plugin(s) update is required for compatibility. 
4. Fixed: Bootstrap incompatibility with "Bookly" plugin.
5. Fixed: issue with gradient on text in IE. 
Other minor improvements, fixes and changes under the hood.

v.6.7.1 (Jul 27, 2018)

1. Improved: WooCommerce 3.4.4 compatibility.
2. Improved: Benefits post type can be used in Post Grid.
3. Fixed: issue with WooCommerce products sorting in "masonry & grid" layout when "order by menu" selected.
4. Fixed: issue with Theme Options Wizard not working when Google Fonts are disabled.
5. Fixed: bug in IE with title overflowing browser window.
Other minor improvements & fixes in front-end & under the hood.

v.6.7.0 (Jul 12+1, 2018)

1. New: super-customizable "Media Gallery - Masonry & Grid" shortcode.
2. Improved: FontAwesome updated to newest version.
3. Improved: text shortcodes support was enabled in copyright area. 
4. Improved: a bulk action to show/hide "read more" link was added to Team and Testimonials post types.
5. Improved: when importing a pre-made website, microsite-pages will no longer loose menu settings.
6. Improved: shadow settings were added to Portfolio shortcodes. 
7. Fixed: select2 conflict between The7 and ACF Pro.
8. Fixed: bug with 0px text in WPML widget.
9. Fixed: bug with scroll arrows not appearing in mobile view in Photo Scroller shortcode. 
10. Fixed: bug with oversized video featured image in related projects.
11. Fixed: desync between hover of text and background in the submenu of main menu area. 
12. Fixed: combination of stretch VC row and UA fullwidth background image leads to issues on resize.
12+1. Fixed: bug in IE with full width row.
14. Fixed: bug in IE with blog title.
Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v.6.6.3 (Jun 29, 2018)

1. New pre-made websites:
    - Event Agency: https://the7.io/classic-landing/event-agency/
    - Software Company: https://the7.io/classic-landing/software-company/
2. Fixed: Social Icons shortcode editing interface stopped working.
3. Fixed: duplication of testimonials in the old Scroller shortcode.
4. Fixed: rare cases of error on theme options save.

v.6.6.2 (Jun 23, 2018)

1. Fixed: default button shortcode short url format don't work.
2. Fixed: issues es_ES translation.
3. Fixed: visual issues with some input-fields in Theme Options.
4. Fixed: layout issue with slider within text widget.
5. Fixed: JetPack conflict with The7 Forms.
6. Fixed: issue with content area top overlap setting in the blog carousel.

v.6.6.1 (Jun 15, 2018)

1. Improved: Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) compatibility.
2. Improved: WPML compatibility.
3. Fixed: issue with carousel shortcodes styles not working properly for some users.
4. Fixed: icons in carousel shortcodes on mobile devices are not being displayed properly. 
5. Added: 2 additional text areas for microwidgets.
Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v. (Jun 8, 2018)

1. Fixed issue with incorrect thumbnails size in WooCommerce.
2. Fixed issue with incorrect paddings and borders in "Button (old)" shortcode.
3. Per users request: no more -webkit-text-fill-color in bottom bar.

v.6.6.0 (Jun 6, 2018)

1. New: now you can import individual pages in The7 > Pre-made Websites. Note that attachments will not be imported. Therefore such pages are best used as a wireframe for your own content.
2. New: gradient picker in Theme Options. Now (instead of 2-color gradient) you can choose as many color stops as you want. Gradient angle option is also available. 
3. New: "show categorisation" option was added to "testimonials - masonry & grid" and  "team - masonry & grid" shortcodes.
4 - 19. Numerous minor improvements and bugfixes :)

v. (May 24, 2018)

Added styling for "consent checkbox" in WordPress comment form. 

v.6.5.1 (May 23, 2018)

Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.0. 

v.6.5.0 (May 18, 2018)

1. GDPR-related changes:
    - theme explain what information and why is being collected during the registration process;
    - a "consent checkbox" is added to standard The7 forms (shortcode and widget);
    - "devicePixelRatio" cookie removed from the theme (now The7 by itself will not set any cookies);
    - a plugin to disable Google Fonts added to the theme package (see "Developer Tools" folder) - for those of you who prefer to play safe.
2. Improved: DB performance optimisation in admin interfaces.
3. Fixed: testimonials pagination issues with certain settings combination. 
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v. (May 14, 2018)

Fixed: page freezes on mobile devices when interacting with Ultimate Addons "Map" element AND "Normalise Resize" option is enabled. 

v.6.4.3 (May 8, 2018)

1. Fixed: issue with "normalize resize event on mobile devices" setting causing some elements not to resize correctly on mobile devices.
2. Fixed: pagination issues of posts list in admin area.
3. Fixed: fatal error in visual edit mode of Elementor plugin.
4. Fixed: issue with images being oversized when responsiveness points are based on number of columns.
5. Improved: slashes removed in messages sent from The7 contact forms (widget and shortcode).
6. Fixed: issue with spare space between header and title area. 
Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v.6.4.2 (Apr 30, 2018)

1. Fixed: issue with the side header placeholder remaining visible even when the header is hidden.
2. Fixed: issue with portfolio overlays on mobile devices. 
Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v.6.4.1 (Apr 27, 2018)

1. Improved: additional responsiveness point for all carousel shortcodes. 
2. Improved: default hover settings for Portfolio shortcodes. 
3. Fixed: Font Awesome compatibility issues. 
4. Fixed: issues with some shortcodes by Dream-Theme in front-end page editing mode.
5. Fixed: issue with font rendering for text with animation in FireFox. 
6. Fixed: issues with certain page header combinations (transparent header + disabled page title).
7. Fixed: rendering issue of Portfolio on the first page load in Safari. 
8. Fixed: Slideshow post type have no "alt" attributes for on images.
9. Fixed: issue with broken "responsiveness based on post width" in full-width rows in Masonry & Grid shortcodes. 
10. Fixed: hover image size is small in product carousel in FF.
Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v.6.4.0 (Apr 12, 2018)

1. New (and long overdue): Archive and Search results will inherit their layout from selected templates (note that this feature is in beta and works with a handful of select shortcodes).
2. New: Portfolio Carousel shortcode.
3. New: DataBase update on theme update is now automatic. This setting can be disabled under The7 > My The7, in "Settings" block.
4. Fixed: FontAwesome icons won't show up when FontAwesome 4 compatibility is turned on.
5. Fixed: page flicker in Safari on opening/closing side navigation.
6. Fixed: "Normalise resize on mobile devices" will no more be causing issues with the Lightbox, Layer Slider (and hopefully other 3rd party code).
7. Fixed: anchor links do not become active when anchor id is nested inside the vc-section.
8. Fixed: issue with header misalignment on older iOS devices. 
9. Fixed: issue with line width when page title style is set to "decorative line".
10. Fixed: issue "Team Masonry & Grid" shortcode in "grid" mode results in broken columns layout.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.6.3.1 (Mar 30, 2018)

1. Improved: The7 Elements plugin can now be updated via Dashboard > Updates.
2. Fixed: issue with page titles net being displayed on iOS 10 devices
3. Fixed: issue with blog excerpts net being displayed correctly with certain settings combination. 
4. Fixed: issue with floating footer. 
5. Fixed: issue with image title and description not showing up in lightbox with certain settings combination. 
6. Fixed: issue when "FontAwesome 4 compatibility" enabled, icons in some WPBakery Page Builder shortcodes do not work.
7. Fixed: header is always full-width when boxed layout is combined with classic header.
8. Fixed: pagination/load more does not work in team grid layouts.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v. (Mar 21, 2018)

1. Fixed: issue in "mini blog" shortcode (round thumbnails caused the text to align to the right).
2. Fixed: issue in "blog masonry" shortcode (with "background overlay" option selected, overlay was not displayed).

v.6.3.0 (Mar 20, 2018)

1. New: Portfolio Masonry and Grid shortcode. Like a new blog shortcode but with even more features!
2. New: "Get system report" button in The7 > Service Information. Designed to ease the communication with our support team.
3. Improved: content area, footer and bottom bar can be disabled independently when using "Microsite" page template.
4. Fixed: bug with the transparent Header on the HDPI Androind tablets.
5. Fixed: issue with lightbox not being opened in Albums shortcode on iOS devices (with certain settings combination). 
6. Fixed: issue "small blog" on older iOS devices. 
7. Fixed: issue with Fancy title not being centred on IE11.

v.6.2.2 (Mar 15, 2018)

1. Improved theme registration process:
    - simultaneously register localhost and your live site;
    - simultaneously register domain and its subdomains (no need to ask us to enable this feature - just make sure you are not violation the License); 
    - purchase code usage message will only appear if you have used particular code for 3+ website addresses; it is DISMISSIBLE; wording changed to be more friendly :) 
2. Fixed: cart micro-widget issue not working correctly with caching plugins.
3. Fixed: infinite scroll not working.
4. Fixed: album settings are broken when gallery album layout selected.

v. (Mar 8, 2018)

1. New: long awaited The7 Licenses Management Tool: https://repo.the7.io/manage/
2. New: theme will issue warnings when potential licensing issue is detected.
3. Improved: theme will react adequately on de-registration via https://repo.the7.io/de-register/ and https://repo.the7.io/manage/
4. New: "normalize resize event on mobile devices" option. Enabled by default; can significantly improve scrolling performance.
5. Fixed: bur with fancy header height.  
6. Fixed: issue with "loading effect: none" on CSS Grid -powered shortcodes.
7. Fixed: issue with WooCommerce images not displaying properly with certain settings combinations.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.6.2.0 (Mar 1, 2018)

1. New: "Web Design Agency" pre-made website (https://the7.io/classic-landing/digital-agency/)
2. New: bottom bar layout settings added.
3. Improved: grid shortcodes/templates, fancy title and bottom bar converted to CSS Grid.
4. Improved: compatibility with Meta Box, CMB2 and other similar plugins.
5. Fixed: issue with incorrect footer width size when boxed layout enabled.
Numerous minor improvements and fixes. 

v. (Feb 24, 2018)

1. Compatibility with Envato Hosted platform.
2. Minor bugfixes.

v.6.1.3 (Feb 20, 2018)

1. Improved: FontAwesome v.4 backwards compatibility. 
2. Improved: WPML compatibility.
3. Improved: website appearance when responsiveness is disabled.
4. "Deprecated" The7 shortcodes renamed to "Old".
5. Fixed: top bar is shifted to the right in Safari with certain options combination.
6. Fixed: images not showing up in WooCommerce with certain options combination. 
7. Fixed: "Order by menu" does not work in Products Masonry & Grid shortcode.
8. Fixed: issue with top line sticky + anchor navigation.
Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v.6.1.2 (Feb 14, 2018)

1. Fixed: issue with anchor navigation scrolling to incorrect place in some settings combination.
2. Fixed: issue with incorrect positioning of header under slideshow in some settings combination.
3. Fixed: header resize issue in Safari in some settings combination.
4. Fixed: issue with generating dynamic styles if some of theme options fields are empty. 
5. Fixed: issue with incorrect rendering of some FontAwesome 5 icons in dt_default_button shortcode.
Other minor fixes. and under-the-hood changes.

v.6.1.1 (Feb 8, 2018)

1. Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.1.
2. FontAwesome updated to v.5.
Numerous minor improvements and fixes.

v.6.1.0 (Jan 26, 2018)

1. New “Dental Clinic” pre-made website added. 
2. Improvements to headers:
- revamped theme options structure;
- improved mobile headers (added support for opacity, top bars, etc.);
- dedicated top bar transparency setting for pages with transparent headers.
3. Improvements to floating headers transitions - now they are as smooth as the butter. :)
4. Overall pages scrolling performance improvements.
5. Improvements to "Microsite" template: top bar can be disabled.
6. Improvements to custom menu microwidget: added option to display it either as a drop-down menu or as a list.
7. 3d slider removed. Sorry folks - it was too resource-intensive and cumbersome. 
8. Overal improvements to Wizard algorithms. 
100+ under-the-hood improvements and fixes.

v.6.0.1 (Dec 7, 2017)

1. Improved: setting to enable Theme Options in the sidebar added.
2. Improved: standard WordPress Customizer re-enabled.
3. Fixed: Pre-made Websites import confirmation message not showing up.
4. Fixed: issue with "px" values of margins/paddings in Theme Options.
Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.6.0.0 (Now 30, 2017)

1. New: theme white-label tool.
2. New: Front-end (visual) edit mode for Theme Options and Design Wizard.
3. New: "Agency" pre-made website (one-page).
4. Improved: better front-end page builder.
5. Improved: WooCommerce integration.
6. Improved: dedicated settings for mobile headers.
Over 60 other improvements and fixes. 

The7 v.5 updates history: https://the7.io/classic-landing/changelog-v5/